Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

-Col. 3:2

We’re all about God.

It’s time to take up our mats and walk. After growing from our sister company in Canby-OR, Pickwick Theater, our small team of leaders decided to establish a new Christian Theater organization in the Oregon City area based on the commands of the Great Commission. We are Christians who want to build a Holy Spirit-potent community for the glory of God. We are a non denominational affiliating group that takes the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and its words as the words of God.

-to become the hands and feet of our Lord, spreading His gospel with the world.

-to challenge Satan’s narrative that “theater belongs to the woke, Christians join or run.”

-to donate our profits to those that are in need.



-to produce plays with a Biblical message.

-to establish an environment where the Holy Spirit is a core pillar of decision making, and where daily prayer is apparent.

-to have so much fun!


-to build a community of Christians that use their passion of theater for more than a performance.

-to generate a season of plays and musicals, that can produce through a network of church bodies.

-to train up future playwrights, directors, choreographers, and ambassadors of Christ.

-the Holy Bible as the perfect and true word of God.

-the Nicene and Apostles Creeds for structure.

-a method of an “approach God to display good” and “approach God to display evil.” Rather than “approach Satan to display evil” when acting as a character.


Staff of Commission Impact Theater

  • Dylan Neighorn

    Writer, Director, Producer

    Over the past 10 years, Dylan has acquired roughly 30 credits of main stage roles in straight plays, musical theater, Shakespeare, directing, writing, and producing roles, music, theater, film classes, and stage management positions to get him where he is today. He has enjoyed his time with this play so much, that it led him to create his own theater company called Commission Impact Theater. Dylan hopes to continue a yearly season with CIT for many years to come alongside his positions in youth ministry and worship ministry.

  • Abbi Beckham

    Stage Manager, Social Media

    Abbi Beckham has been acting in theater for about 6 years. Some of her roles have included Caroline Bingley in Pride and Prejudice and Lorraine in the most recent Pickwick production, The Man Who Came To Dinner. Abbi is excited to get to get a different perspective this year being behind the scenes as a stage manager. Abbi is 18 years old and spends a lot of her free time working as a barista in her local town, playing the guitar and listening to Need To Breathe (the best band in her humble opinion!).